
push barriers

push barrier什么意思 2023-11-12 12:46 950 墨鱼
push barrier什么意思

push barriers

Workers start topush fora higher salary. 工人们开始极力要求涨工资. 互联网Clinton, like his predecessors, had continued topush forelimination of trade barriersThe House of Franck Muller celebrates its 30 years this year. Thanks to its incredible in-house capabilities, the House of Franck Muller can push barriers of watchmaking always furth

必应词典为您提供barriers的释义,美[ˈberiər],英[ˈbæriə(r)],n. 壁垒;障碍;栅栏;界线;v. 用栅围住;网络释义:重重阻碍;屏障;挡板;For now, Dalits across India continue to battle social and economic barriers and push for meaningful change. I'm Alice Bryant. And I'm Jill Robbins. Ajana Pasricha wro

push to 美英un.驱策某人(自己)做某事:网络一按即行英汉英英网络释义un. 1. 驱策某人(自己)做某事:下载手机版必应词典iOS Windows Phone AndroidA big part of the athlete's success is having the willpower to force herself past her body's pain barriers. "While you're competing, you're mostly t

类似地,可以通过将所有本地更改push 到中心仓库,等待该操作完成,然后pull 中心仓库的最新头部修订来实现#StoreLoadbarrier。在大多数处理器上,充当#StoreLoadbarrier 的指令往往(6)We had no choice but to push barriers.30. result from由……造成result in造成(1)My failure resulted my laziness and carelessness.(2)Too much pressure can result de

4. Technical barriers to message push For the most common IM applications in our daily life, the push of offline messages is a necessary capabilityYou never know what you are capable of until you push your barriers of comfort, even if it's just a little bit each day. 你永远不会知道你的潜能有多少,除非你能够冲


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