
享受此刻的英文,活在当下 及时行乐英文

定格美好的英文 2023-12-02 23:10 958 墨鱼

享受此刻的英文,活在当下 及时行乐英文

1. 享受此刻Flickr: The 92/365 同一片天空下/ under the same sky 91/365享受此刻/Enjoy This Moment93/365 鲜花与绿叶/ match flickr|基于8个网页2.英文翻译为Enjoy the freedom of the moment.

其英文解释是“a small brown bird, very common in many parts of the world”,如果只看这个英文英语美文赏析:享受此时此刻Relish the Moment Life is short, and it is up to you to make it sweet. 生命短暂,甜蜜取决于你自己。No matter how busy you are, no matter

享受此刻的自由翻译是:enjoy the freedom of this moment .享受此时此刻问题补充:匿名2013-05-23 12:21:38 Enjoy this moment 匿名2013-05-23 12:23:18 Enjoy this moment 匿名2013-05-23 12:24:58 Enjoys this very moment

以下是一些关于“享受当下”的中英文对照例句和用法:1. Take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy the moment. 深呼吸,放松,享受此刻。2. Don't worry about tomorrow, just e♪ Don't stop me now (Having a good time) ♪ ♪不要挡我[我正享受此刻]♪ ♪ Don't stop me now (Oh, I'm having a good time) ♪ ♪我一点儿都不想停下来♪ ♪ I don't want


标签: 活在当下 及时行乐英文



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