

校规英语作文带翻译100字 2023-12-28 23:49 441 墨鱼


a本人在校期间学习刻苦遵守学校的校纪校规,与同学和老师相处融洽。性格开朗积极参加班级和学校组织的活动。Myself observe the school assiduously in the school period st遵守校规小学英语作文As the saying goes “No rules no”. If people don’t obey the rules, our society will be a mess. So does our school. If the school doesn't have rul

作为⼀名学⽣,遵守校规校纪是最基本的。下⾯,店铺帮你整理了遵守校规校记的⾼中英语作⽂, 希望你喜欢!遵守校规校记的⾼中英语作⽂篇1 Every school has its own rules for s遵守校纪校规中文翻译英语Abide by school rules and regulations 复制拼音对照:zūn shǒu xiào jì xiào guī 短语例句遵守校纪校规相关的双语

校规的英语作文篇1 My School RulesIn our school, we have many rules. We shouldn’t be late for school. We have to wear school uniforms to school every day. We can’t ru翻译结果2复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部As students we should observe the Anshan school rules 翻译结果3复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部As students we should ob

校规无疑是今年的火爆热点之一,它为我们的生活带来了极大的便利。【预测题目】一) 随着“创建全国文明城市”活动的开展,《中学生报》开展了校规校纪大讨论。现该报正在向各校学中文翻译:在教室里,你应该听老师的话,你不允许把食物带进教室,你应该保持教室安静和干净放学后你应该按时完成作业你应该穿校服你必须保护学校里的植物和树木你应该和老师和学生相

●ω● 遵守校规校纪,绝不违反. 来自互联网4. You must conform to the rules or leave the school. 你要么遵守校规,要么离开学校. 来自互联网5. Students must observe the code我们学校的校规英语作文含翻译1 Every school has its own rules for students. Firstly, we need to wear school uniforms every day. Wearing school unifo


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