

用无论也造句子 2023-12-10 13:47 433 墨鱼


turn on造句如下:Turn on your damn TV.快打开电视吧。The room is too damp, please turn on the dehumidifier.这turn on造句1、I turned on the computer, opened the browser, and clicked the link to enter the website I wanted to visit. 2、I turned on the TV, and the news was

⊙﹏⊙ (10)补充:Oh, hang on; wait for a minute。最后呢,鸭鸭们要想取得好的分数,心态也是重要的,不要过于紧张和纠结。听到没听明白的空就一直纠结,导致下文都没听对了。放松心态,轻turn into造句1、To turn into an automaton. 2、Water can turn into ice. 3、They turn into this street. 4、奥运健儿奋力拼搏,争创人间奇迹;新海学子刻苦

Part 2 – 独白(Long turn) 考试类型和格式:考官会给你一张任务卡,任务卡要求你说一个特定主题和相应的几个要点(需要全部覆盖)。考生有一分钟的时间准备,并给了一支铅笔和一张纸来12、Application streamingin turnrelies on application virtualization. 13、Speculators,in turn, have more incentive to shift into commodities. 14、Th

?ω? 14、turnaside;turnaway one's face; glanced away. 15、Turn the ignition off, thenturnthe ignition on. 16、Firstturnright, thenturnleft at the secondt1、It's dark.turn on the light, please.(天黑了,请把灯打开。2、Scientists believe that we just need toturn on a printer in the kitchen and then we can enjoy our

(^人^) turn into造句复制1、Differences can oftenturn intodelight.(区别往往能带来快乐。2、How did itturn intothis?(怎么会变成这样? 3、Theyturn intothis street.(他们1、It's dark.turn onthe light, please.(天黑了,请把灯打开。2、Scientists believe that we just need toturn ona printer in the kitchen and then we can enjoy our fa


标签: 用怎么办呢造句子



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