
make a living with,reach

companys 2023-11-15 18:23 961 墨鱼

make a living with,reach

We make a living (谋生) with what we get, but we make a life with what we give. ___Winston Churchill I believe this saying. I have been volunteering (志愿服务) at21. A) Living with one’s children. B) Meaningful social contact. C) Meeting social expectations. D) Timely medical intervention. Questions 22 to 25

make a/one's living 意思为work to provide oneself with things that are necessary to life,即能够勉强糊口度日的谋生。同义说法还有earn one’s living 注He had to make a living on a tiny income. 他只好靠微薄的收入勉强维持生活。

make a life”指的是创造一个有意义的生活,包括建立家庭、结交朋友、寻找乐趣、培养兴趣爱好以及为社会做出贡献等网络靠……谋生;靠…维持生计;通过……谋生网络释义1. 靠……谋生八年级英语词组表_初中_天涯部落高中senior high school靠……谋生make a living by

>0< 完形填空“We make a living with what we get, but we make a life with what we give. --Winston Churchill I believe this saying.I have been 1 at the Boston Children4. make room for 为---腾地方5. make a face 做鬼脸6. make mistakes 犯错误7. make the bed 铺床8. make friends 交朋友9. make a living 谋生,度日1


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