

circuitous造句 2023-12-06 23:12 105 墨鱼


然后在听她讲自己研究的几个方向的时候问了几个到点子上的问题,她直呼"you get bonus point for this",面试圆满。Do you have any questions about this program that I can answer? 答案永单词BONUS 例句大全,用单词BONUS造句:The company will increase employee's salary or else compensate inbonus. 公司会给雇员加薪,或者通过奖金补偿。Many employees con

bonus造句1、Every purchaser of a pound of coffee received a box of cookies as a bonus、每买一磅咖啡的人都得到一盒免费奉送的饼干。2、The workers got a Christma4. All the employees in the company received a bonus for their hard work. 5. All the books in the library were organized by genre and author. 6. All the cars on t

≥▂≤ bonus造句类型英语造句1、Some businesses sweetened thebonus pot.(有些企业提高了奖金额度。2、She was rewarded for her efforts with a cashbonus.(她因自己所作的努力句型知识的另一个bonus是刺激和带动词汇。我们不可能把句子中每一个位置该用哪一个词先想的很清楚再

是,最后一项是给我学生们的bonus。听这门课,我记了足足18页A4纸的笔记,我准备在下个月的时候全部整理出来,以充实我雅思学生们的语料库。我们必定,口语写作,都要更上一个台阶!有11、Bonus is converted having a premise is share outbonusof this fund implementation. 12、The sentry damage augmentor rigbonusis applied properly. 1

45、The bonus pay for this month is almost twice that of the basic salary. 这个月效益工资都快是基本工资的两倍了。46、How much did you pay for the tailoring of th38、BNPP.PA agreed on Tuesday to implement Sarkozy's proposals immediately and halve itsbonuspot to 500 million euros. 39、Hungarian pensioners find


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