
be sure of doing sth造句,be sure of doing sth翻译

be sure to do sth用法 2023-11-30 15:35 551 墨鱼
be sure to do sth用法

be sure of doing sth造句,be sure of doing sth翻译

be sure of sth / doing sth确信eg. Can I be sure of a profit if I invest?我要是投资,肯定能获利吗?be sure to do 肯定,一定会例句:He is sure to go there if he is fre1、be sure to do sth和be sure of doing sth的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。2、一、含义不同1.be sure to do sth释义:肯定、一定、谅必、势必。3

be sure of doing sth造句简单

be sure of doing sth. 的意思是:确定做某事、以便于做某事。例句:I left a message so as to be sure of contacting her. 我留下了张条子以便与她取得联系。相be sure of的读音是:bi: #643;u#601; #596;v 用be sure of sth造句如下:Tom can't be sure of it right now. be sure of sth造句例二:Theyarrived early, to be sure of g

用be sure of something造句

I want to be sure of getting there on time. 我想能有把握准时到达那里。They don’t like to help out others, unless they’re sure of getting something in return. 他们不be sure of 的读音是:bi: ʃuə ɔv 用be sure of sth造句如下:Tom can't be sure of it right now. be sure of sth造句例二:They arrived early, to be sure of getting

be sure to do sth造句

也许你太高兴了,想不到第三个人身上去吧;果真是那样的话,我一定可以谅解你的。hjenglish 6A country has to strengthen itself before it can be sure 28、It is better to be content with sth one has, or canbe sure of, than to risk having nothing at all by trying to get sth more or sth else; it is b

be sure about doing造句

1)be sure of +抽象名词/doing sth :主语是人,译为:主语有把握/确信…he is sure of his success. = he is sure that he will succeed. 他确信他会成功i’mbe sure of doing sth.───对做某事有信心But the idea is that no matter what else I do today, these are the things I want to be sure of doing.───只是你今天还


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