
injured造句,compete with sb造句

sweat造句 2023-11-27 09:44 838 墨鱼

injured造句,compete with sb造句

1、Theinjuredwere compensated. 2、Luckily, she isn'tinjured. 3、Someone isinjured. Medic! 4、She was seriouslyinjured. 5、No Chinese were reportedlybe injured造句1、Should Rooneybe injured, jaded or disillusioned, United's niggling problems could turn into agonies of despair. 2、Most people are

⊙▂⊙ injured造句1、The injured man was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. 2、The injured soldier was carried away from the battlefield on a stretcher. 3、The injuinjured造句复制1、A fifteen year old girl was among theinjured.(一个15岁的女孩是受伤人员之一。2、Theinjuredwoman staggered to her feet.(受伤的女人摇摇晃晃地站

单词injured 例句大全,用单词injured造句:aninjuredman. 受伤的男子TheinjuredLay in agony. 受伤者躺在那儿痛苦万分。She assumed aninjuredair. 她装出冤屈的样子。Mic用injured造句挺难的The injured bone did n't articulate well .受伤的骨头没有连接好。She injured her stomach by eating too much .她吃得太多,伤了胃。Extension of

20.Fortunately,the cat was still alive, though badly injured. 幸运的是21.Incredibly,she was able to carry her last child out before the roof and walls fell.难以置信的Many of them will have died because they were so badlyinjured. 他们中很多人会因伤势过重而死亡。柯林斯高阶英语词典a look ofinjuredpride. 自尊心受到伤害的表情


标签: compete with sb造句



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