
prefer to…rather than用法,ratherthan就远原则

ratherthan固定搭配 2023-11-10 20:55 134 墨鱼

prefer to…rather than用法,ratherthan就远原则

prefer的⽤法--- sample sentences:  1、后接不定式时与rather than 或instead of连⽤,如:  He preferred to die rather than (to) steal. / He perferred to die insprefer的其他用法:1、后接不定式时与rather than 或instead of连用,如:He preferred to die rather than (to) steal. / He perferred to die instead of stealing. 他宁死也不去偷

英语语法——rather_than用法小结篇一have sth. done,have sb. do , have sb./sth. doing与have sth. to do 四种句型的区别一、Have sth. done可表示四种方法/步骤1 prefer to rather than do宁愿而不愿(就算不愿做也可能会做)例句:I prefer to do housework rather than sit there doing nothing. 我宁愿做家务也不愿坐在那里无所事

prefer to rather than用法如下:prefer doing A rather than doing B 喜欢做A而不是做B。prefer to do A rather th6)You are doing this for yourself rather than for your friend.你不是为你朋友,而是为你自己做这种事。7)I'd prefer to go in August rather than in July

Prefer rather than用法是:prefer doing A rather than doing B 喜欢做A而不是做B。prefer to do A rather than do B 愿意去做A而不是去做B。Prefer rather thprefer to…rather than用法prefer to…rather than…后面都是用动词原形,prefer…to…都是用动名词或名词。如:I prefer English to Japanese. / I prefer to learn Englis

prefer to …rather than:宁愿…而不愿…例句:Prefer to die rather than surrender.宁死不屈则怕古基场率息略货。章丘铁锅,10人有9人买错,看完不走弯路查看详情>>广告2 prefeprefer…rather than的用法:①prefer doing A rather than doing B喜欢做A而不是做B。②prefer to do A rather than do B愿意去做A而不是去做B。1、prefer释义:vt. 更喜欢,宁愿


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