
in contrast to,turn up

arrange 2023-11-27 14:43 382 墨鱼

in contrast to,turn up

in contrast to [in ˈkɔntræst tu:] 释义:相比之下; 例句:In contrast, power refers to an individual's capacity to influence decisions. 相比之下,权力是指一个in contrast to 美英un.相形之下;与…相比;与…相反;与…对比网络与…相对比英汉网络释义un. 1. 相形之下,相比之下2. 与…相比,较之3. 与…相反,与…大不相同,和…构

in contrast to的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Incontrasttothe war yearsazerbaijan is flush with cash from oil and gas . 和战争年代相比,现在的1. He was generous and hospitable in contrast to his stingy and penurious wife. 与他吝啬小气的妻子相反,他慷慨又好客。2. In contrast to the central plains, the coastal

in contrast to(又作:in contrast with) volume_up 与…成反比[yǔ …chénɡ fán bǐ]{副} more_vert incontrastwith expand_more与…成反比绞刑吏绞刑吏你准备好拯救bab以下是“in contrast to”的几种常见用法:•用法1:比较两个事物的不同特征例如:–In contrast to dogs, cats are more independent and require less attention. –Gree

?▂? in contrast to 读音汉语翻译in contrast to基本解释相比之下in contrast to网络解释1. 和形成对比:7、account for v.占| 8、incontrastto和形成对比| 9、prolo英[in ˈkɔntræst tu:] 美[ɪn ˈkɑntræst tu] 释义与形成对比点击人工翻译,了解更多人工释义实用场景例句全部In contrast tosimilar services in France and G


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