
crashed over,关于crash的短语

crash例句 2023-12-26 20:07 774 墨鱼

crashed over,关于crash的短语

An Aboriginal tracker led them to the place where the plane hadcrashed. 一个土著的追踪者把他们带到了飞机坠毁的地方。Their carcrashedinto a guardrail. The airplanTheir car crashed into a guardrail. The airplane crashed over the ocean. 他们的车撞上护栏.飞机在海洋上坠毁. plane是什么意思:n. 飞机;平面;程度,标准,

1.The plane crashed, its bombs exploding as it hit the ground. 那架飞机坠毁了,机上携带的炸弹在飞机撞地时爆炸。2.The lightning flashed and thunder crShe stormed out of the room andcrashedthe door shut behind her. 她愤怒地冲出房间并随手把门砰的一声关上。牛津词典Thundercrashedoverhead. 头顶上雷声隆隆。牛津词

ˇ﹏ˇ 3.They will travel over to the other side of the country.(他们将前往国家的另一边旅行。4.The plane crashed over the mountains.(飞机在山上坠毁。5.We will have a"The car crashed through the glass door" undergo damage or destruction on impact "the plane crashed into the ocean"; "The car crashed into the lamp post" 同义词:r

v.撞坏;破产;飞机师)摔死;哗啦一声坏掉adv.〈口〉同“with a crash. A stone came crash through the window”网络坠机;坠毁;打碎第三人称单数:crashes现在分词:crashingTheir car crashed into a guardrail. The airplane crashed over the ocean.他们的车撞上护栏.飞机在海洋上坠毁. A car crash into a big tree.一辆小汽车撞到了一棵大树上。My


标签: 关于crash的短语



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