
push along,push across

push ones way 2023-11-10 22:59 802 墨鱼
push ones way

push along,push across

push along 美英un.(俗)离开某人(某地): 英汉英英网络释义un. 1. (俗)离开某人(某地): 例句释义:全部,离开某人:Push Along,由歌手Cobra Cat演唱,酷我音乐网提供Push Along无损音乐,Push Along免费无损下载,Push Along高品质音乐,HiFi音乐下载,无损音乐在线听,好音质,用酷我。陪着我,不要停

eg. She's alwaysbitchingaboutTanya.她总是说塔尼娅坏话。3.pass alongthe message. pass along 此处知识点介绍:pass along在这里表示:“传达、转告”pass along the message“push button───n.按钮;电钮push it───推它双语使用场景So now the two of them, travel through time, giving history a push along where it is needed.───所

push along 英美vt.继续前进(推进;离开) push along的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:参考翻译继续前进push along的用法和样例:例句Goodbye I'push along 离去,离开along on 因为be along v.来到along with ad. 1.和一起[一道],随着2.除以外(还) be along to 来到…along of 因为bowl along 既稳又快

˙▂˙ push along基本解释<口>离开push along的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释The west should helppushthat processalong. 西方应帮助推动这一进程。Lt push along 1. (英,非正式)离开,离去;起程push someone around (或about) 1. (非正式)粗暴对待;把…差来谴去,摆布;欺侮;烦扰同义词辨析:further, advance, promote, con


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