
depend on it,approve of

depend on whether 2023-12-02 19:44 423 墨鱼
depend on whether

depend on it,approve of

Depend On It - Liam Payne 以下歌词翻译由微信翻译提供We used to be loving touching kissin' 我们曾经亲密无间Like I love depend on it 仿佛我深爱着你Liam Payne - Depend On It 专辑:First Time - EP 歌手:Liam Payne Depend On It - Liam Payne We used to be loving touching kissin' Like I love depend on it How we get to lying crying alw

depend upon───依赖;取决于;依赖,依靠it on───它打开了on it───在它上面;澳,非正式)大量喝酒jump on it───跳上去双语使用场景Your success and reputatio1. Depend on it, he will come back. 相信我,他会回来的。2. Depend on it, she will be a successful writer one day. 可以肯定的是,她有朝一日会成为一名成功的作家。3

网络依赖于它网络释义1. 依赖于它旅行到宇宙边缘We all controlled by the sun 我们的一切都被太阳控制着Depend on it依赖于它blog.sina.cn|基于1 个网页depend on it that D 开头单词基本解释依靠它放心指望它英汉例句双语例句You may depend on it that they will support you. 他相信好了,他们会支持你的。You may de

Like I love depend on it How could I know what you've had hiding bed Behind those fire eyes but I'll make it worst To my why it worst Liam Payne: Andepend也是高一上学期要掌握的重点词汇,如在Unit 9的Speaking部分有“Well, it depends.”的句式。为使同学们对depend的用法有一个全面的了解,现分述如下:1. depend作为不及


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