
where are they翻译中文,you的意思

IsZoomright翻译中文 2023-12-05 10:23 204 墨鱼

where are they翻译中文,you的意思

"What about you"翻译成中文是"那你呢"的意思。英式发音[hwɔt əˈbaut ju:] ,美式发音[hwɑt əˈbaʊt ju] 。CCTV Hi,hold on. 等一下Where are they?他们在哪里Where is the woman? 那个女的在哪cctv|基于117个网页3. 他们在哪儿使用特殊疑问句四“注意”

中文翻译:王雨然(童话作家) Twinkle, twinkle, little star, 一闪一闪小星星How I wonder what you are! 究竟何物现奇景Up above the world so high, 远浮于世烟云外Like a diamoThey are very nice.的中文意思是什么?他们很漂亮、☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜ what are they doing? 的中文意思是什么?What are t

(-__-)b wherearetheygoing翻译中文wherearetheygoing翻译中文Where are they going?翻译中午是:他们要去哪里?©2022 Baidu |由百度智能云提供计算服务| 使用百度前必读| 文库协360翻译支持中英深度互译,提供生词释义、权威词典、双语例句等优质英语学习资源,360NMT(神经网络机器翻译)智能加持,更熟悉国人表达习惯!

是Where are they 注意they与them的用法them是they的宾格,在句中作宾语,而they在句中作主语. 结果一题目他们在哪里?怎么翻译?是Where are they?还是Where are them?) 答案atranslator should adopt various translation strategies in the premise of understanding source language environment. 翻译在了解原文环境前提应该采取各种各样的翻译


标签: you的意思



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