

用behind造句子简单短 2023-11-19 12:43 184 墨鱼


用of造句用of造句Viewed from the topofMount Tai, the sunrise was indeed a spectacle. 从泰山顶上看去,日出真是个奇观。The brain needs a continuous supplyofblood用substantial造句子导读1.A substantial proportion of the population speak a French-based patois.(此人群中很多人说一种以法语为基础的混合语。造句指

The four of us went on working. 我们四个人继续干。I’m going to get a packet of cigarettes. 我去买一包烟。4.of用在带先行词it的.句子中,表示谈某人的Only a few of the beds were occupied.只有几张床有人睡。I liked the end of the film.我喜欢这部电影的结尾。The average age of the women interviewed was 21

3. James came out of his bedroom, toweling his wet hair. 詹姆斯从卧室出来,用毛巾擦着他湿漉漉的头发。4. When assembling the pie, wet the edges where the two crusts joina bolt out of the blue造句a bottle of造句a carton of造句a cluster of造句a column of water造句a couple of造句a crew of造句a cup of造句a glass of造句a grai

one of造句1、You'reone ofus,one ofthe chosen. 2、I'mone oftheir clerics. 3、Youreone ofa kind. 4、She'sone oflife's losers. 5、One after another, wof造句复制1、He thoughtofanother wayofmaking electricity.(他想出另一种发电的方法。2、The deal is oneofthe first fruitsofa liberalizationofforeign investment l

⊙▂⊙ of造句简单一点1.The smell of freshly baked bread filled the kitchen.新鲜烤面包的香味充满了厨房。2.She is a fan of action movies.她是动作电影的粉丝。3.I drank a c用of造句子我们生活在一个多元化的社会,每个人都有一些义务去为这个社会做贡献。但是,很多人可能会疑惑,做出自己的一份力量究竟有多大的价值。其实,无论你做


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