

massive造句 2024-01-08 23:47 822 墨鱼


例句与造句Institute of grassland and environmental research iger-研究开发瓜果蔬菜。It's difficult to find institute of grasslands in a sentence. 用institute of造句1:青春之舟在汹涌的海面上起伏,任凭狂风肆虐,巨浪涛天,它依然执着自己的方向。漂波中会有暗礁,前行中会有旋涡,然而这并不算什么。英文:The boat of youth is undulating

5、She's fallen in love with the grasslands. 6、The blizzard swept across the vast grasslands. 7、Across grasslands, and over mountains and rivers. 8Thegrasshoppershave seriously affected the quality of ecological environment on the grasslands. 草原蝗虫的危害已经严重影响到草原的生态环境质量。Grasshoppers, loc

⊙^⊙ 23、Thegrasslandsmelt fresh and sweet after rain.(雨后的草原一片清香。24、They pass a few small patches of opengrassland.(他们掠过一小块开阔的草地。25、To mak例句與造句The food of this species is nectar, often taken from the flowers of native Juan Bueno ( " Rhaphithamnus venustus " ) and " D . litoralis ". On Robinson

Deseet is beautiful,but terribleglasslands草地造句:We should'nt walk on the grasslandsplains平原造句:My home is builded on a great plainsforest森林造句:Tigers 6.The blizzardsweptacrossthe vast grasslands. 那场暴风雪席卷大草原。- 来源-- 英汉- 翻译样例好评(10)差评() 7.a great firesweptacrossthe bushland. 大火席卷了原


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