

innovation造句 2023-12-09 13:56 653 墨鱼


1. Please forgive my ignorance. 请原谅我的无知。2. We are in complete ignorance of his plans. 我们对他的计划一无所知。3. 3. His ignorance is surprising. 他的无单词ignorant 例句大全,用单词ignorant造句:A learned blockhead is a greater blockhead than an ignorant one.自学得人是拿傻瓜当师傅。Only ignorant fools will challen

Ignorance of the law is no excuse. 不懂法律不是藉口。Knowledge makes humble;ignorancemakes proud. [谚]知识使人谦虚,无知使人骄傲。If he did wrong it was only thr1、I am humble before myignorance and therein lies my honor and my reward.(在我的无知面前,我是谦卑的,这其中有着我的荣誉和我的报酬。2、Poverty andignorance are t

It's difficult to find l'ignorance in a sentence. 用l'ignorance造句挺难的La pauvreté et l'ignorance sont deux facteurs importants. L'ignorance de la population f26、Ignorance andignorance, if accompanied by the rich and giant, will further reduce the value of their people. 27、When they came to Peru deep in

We were ignorance of environmental pollution before. 过去,我对环境污染一无所知。I regret my ignorance on the subject. 我对自己对这个课题的无知感到遗憾。Ignorance of the law is no excuse. 不懂法律不是藉口。详细解释:ig.no.rancen.(名词)The con


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