

off英文啥意思 2023-12-30 05:58 897 墨鱼


off you goO 开头单词基本解释你可以离开了你走吧英汉例句双语例句Please make sure that all the lights are off before you go to bed every night.请在每天晚上睡觉off you go是什么意思_off you go用英语怎么说_off you go的翻译_off you go翻译成_off you go的中文意思_off you go怎么读,off you go的读音,off you go的用法,off you go的

off you go发音意思翻译你走吧你可以离开了相似词语短语off your guard───不小心off your head───从你的头上掉下来of yours───属于你(们)的;你(们)的offOff you go. 好的。那就享受你的童贞时刻吧。你可以出发了。4. Okay, , good. Off you go. Go clean something of mine. 好的,很好,你们走吧帮我搞搞卫生。5. Hey, but you can g

1. 走你OFF YOU GO!是什么意思?以上就是OFF YOU GO!的含义解释和发音。最近查询] 姓名详批八字精批八字财运八字改名姻缘分析八字合婚宝宝起名五行缺什么和您偶遇“off you go”是一个日常口语,它是“you go off”的倒装句,这里的“you”可以替换成“sb”,即“off sb. go”,表示“某人)去吧/走吧”。🌈【例句】👦:Would you like some tea? 👩🏼:Yes, I’ll

ˇ▽ˇ 网络去你的吧;你可以走了;走你网络释义1. 去你的吧免费提供最好最全的《英语学习宝典Such a nice shirt! 多漂亮的衬衫!Off you go!去你的吧!Back they come! 他off you go s aften said by teachers, and that's when they've just finished their talking and annoce that you can go away, go to the next class or someth


标签: whatdoyousee中文翻译



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