

get over翻译 2023-11-18 10:34 785 墨鱼
get over翻译


≥▂≤ 9. Adepts of hermes If you fail an attack to control against a group from your own hand, you do not lose the group--- just return the card to your hadept的中文意思:精于…的,擅长于…的,点击查看详细解释:adept的中文翻译、adept的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握adept这个单词。

adept 音标[ә'dept] 读音adept的德语解释汉语翻译a. 熟练的,老练的,巧妙的n. 能手,内行词型变化:名词:adeptness 副词:adeptly 英语解释:名词adept: someone who iunadept───不接受accept───vt.接受;承认;承担;承兑;容纳;vi.承认;同意;承兑adespota───阿德斯波塔unadepts───不接受双语使用场景He's usually very adept a

adept (n.) "an expert," especially "one who is skilled in the secrets of anything," 1660s, from Latin adeptus (see adept (adj.)). The Latin adjective was used as adept的意思、解释复数形式:adepts; adept 基本解释adept的翻译形容词精于…的,擅长于…的;巧妙的名词专家,能手adept 同义词形容词proficientaptskillfulexpert adept

ADEPT是Analogy, Diagram, Example, Plain-English description 和Technical description的缩写,翻译过来是:类比、插图、示例、简单的语言描述、技术性描述。ADEPT指的是,为了解释美[əˈdept] 英[ə'dept] n.内行adj.内行的;熟练的;擅长的网络娴熟的;老练的;老手复数:adepts 同义词反义词adj. skilful,skillful,skilled,expert,proficient 权威英汉

adepts 英美n.强化人(网络游戏质量效应里的角色名);能手;专家(adept的复数形式) Created with Highcharts 3.0.2释义常用度分布图海词统计能手分享单词到:翻译EN adept{名词} volume_up adept volume_up 擅长者[shàn chánɡ zhě]{名词} adept(又作:veteran,a passed master) volume_up 老手[láo shǒu]{名词} EN adept{形容词}


标签: skilled翻译



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