
my school作文带翻译,My new school作文

ourschool作文带翻译小学 2023-12-27 12:17 653 墨鱼

my school作文带翻译,My new school作文

╯△╰ 我的学校是个美丽的地方.我在学校有许多好朋友.我的学校的环境非常好,老师们也很好。我爱我的学校My school My school is a beautiful place. I have many good myschoolday 英语作文带翻译Igetupatsixinthemorning.ThenIwashmyfaceandbrushmyteeth.Afteraquickbreakfast,Igotoschoolinmymother ’scar.Ittakesusmoretha

我的学校英语作文及翻译篇1 I study in a beautiful school. There are many trees and flowers in campus. It’s green all the year round. There are three buildings inmyschool英语作文带翻译篇4MyschoolisatHaimenTown.Itisverybigandbeautiful.Thereareforty-threeclassesinit.Whenyoucometoourschool,youcanseethemodernteachingbuilding.Ourtea

my dream school作文带翻译篇1 Everyone should go to school, of course, each person has their own ideal school. The ideal school does, indeed, than it is now for one hunMy school英语作文1 Look, this is my school!Its big and beautiful. There are many tall trees and beautiful flowers in my school .Theres a big playgr

英语作文带翻译50字:我的学校My school ★以下是®无忧考网英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《英语作文带翻译50字:我的学校My school》供大家参考。更多内容请my school英语作文带翻译★®无忧考网英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的my school英语作文带翻译,供大家参考!My name is Beth. I\'m 14 years old, and I study i


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