
prefer a to b等于,refer a to b

prefer三种固定搭配 2023-11-08 12:25 601 墨鱼

prefer a to b等于,refer a to b

prefer A (名词,…ing) to B (名词,ing) 喜欢A大于B prefer A to B 则表示比起B 更喜欢A,A 和B 可以都是名词或者是动名词ing。需要注意的是,比较对象前面可不是t最后,“Prefer A to B”的用法也可以用来表示一种职业上的态度。如果一个人把A看得比B更好,那么他对A就有着更高的审美标准,也就是说他更喜欢A,并且在工作中也会更加偏袒A,而

∪0∪ a.修饰具体动作时,两者可换用,但多用deep. b.表示静止状态时,只用deep(此时多与介词、副词连用).c.修饰形容词或过去分词只能用deeply[此时deeply多用于引申含义,表示个人情感。d.deeEducation is to form a person's character. 5、投入心灵才能闻到生命的醇香!In the mind to smell the fragrance of life! 6、教师要融于师生的相互理解中

?^? 1、prefer sth. 更喜欢某物2、prefer doing/to do sth. 更喜欢做某事3、prefer (doing) A to (doing) B 与(做)B相比更喜欢(做)A 4、prefer to do rathe3、prefer rowing ___ 4、quite a bit / a lot___ 5、join the school rowing club___ 6、be going to?___ 五、知识链接Hot links 1、【课文原句】Are you going to play

>﹏< 1.prefer A to B (AB皆为名词) e.g:I prefer the blue ball to the black ball. 我跟喜欢蓝色球而不喜欢黑色球. 2.prefer doing A to doing B=would rather do A than do B =1.prefer+名词可以是某人或者某物,更喜欢某人或某物。2.prefer A to B相比较B来说更喜欢A,A、B是某人或某物。3.prefer doing sth 更喜欢做某事,宁愿做某事。4.prefer doi

15.prefer A to B=like A better than B 更喜欢A不怎么喜欢B. eg. I prefer fish to chicken.= I like fish better than chicken 16.had better do sth.最好干某事. 否定:had betteprefer to. 更加喜欢;宁愿。等于:would rather; would prefer.rather like …than…


标签: refer a to b



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