

accomplish例句 2023-12-11 15:05 691 墨鱼


网络释义slightly 些微地;轻微的;轻轻地,些微地;轻微地,苗条地;slightly hotter 稍微热;slightly injured 轻伤;So slightly 所以稍微;slightly overweight 小幅加码;英['slaɪtli] adv.稍微;略微;身材瘦小的网络轻微地;些微地;稍稍搭配同义词反义词adv.+v. slightly change,slightly modify 权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义slightly

●△● 2、I knew herslightly. 3、The loin archesslightly. 4、Cool syrupslightly. 5、Her cheeks blanchedslightly. 6、The terminology isslightlydifferent. 7slightly 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释The toy also moves forward very slightly . 玩具车同样也在轻微移动。Yet sony has also opened its platform slightly .

?﹏? 双语例句1. There is a slightly differences between the couple’s version. 这对夫妇各自的说法略有不同。2. I get out of the room slightly. 我悄悄地走出房间。3slightly造句1. The coffee was slightly bitter, but still enjoyable. 2. She was slightly nervous before her big presentation. 3. The dress was slightly too big, b

单词slightly 例句大全,用单词slightly造句:Prices of a large amount of fresh water variety fallslightly, briny product risesslightly. 大宗淡水品种价格略降,海水产1、Her lips wereslightlyparted.(她的嘴唇微微张开。2、Beat it until the dough isslightlyelastic.(反复捶打,直到面团略有弹性。3、His family then moved to aslight

例句:Each of the houses isslightlydifferent. 每所房子都稍有区别。You are onlyslightlyunderweight for (ie in relation to) your height. 按你的身高来说,你体重仅稍例句用作副词(adv.) We could relax the procedure slightly in your case. 我们可以根据你的情况通融一些。He is slightly drunk. 他有些醉了。My inter


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