
put up造句带翻译,put up的用法

bring造句简单一点 2024-01-08 23:47 730 墨鱼

put up造句带翻译,put up的用法

答:put up 的中文翻译是:提供、建造、举起、供给…住宿等。1、put up的例句有:Can anyone put up bail for you? 有人保释你吗?She put up with it all stoically. 她坚忍地承受put up基本解释vt.举起;张贴;建造;提高vi.提供食宿;直接行动put up的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Cicputupmost of the moneythey added . 他们还

put up 造句

单词put up 例句大全,用单词put up造句:This is where we keep babies that have been abandoned or are beingput upfor adoption. 这就是存放弃婴和要被寄养的婴儿的地方。2. We can put all of you up for the night. 我们可以安排你们所有人过夜。put up 网络解释1. 举起:put up with 忍受| put up 举起| put upon the full stretch 极度紧

用put up造句子并翻译

dispense, bestow, impart, produce, yield, bring forth, bear, deliver, donate, contribute, pledge, advance, spare, part with, allocate, distribute, allot, assign, put fo答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报We put up the advertisementon the wall.我们把广告张贴在墙上.He put up the map on the desk.他把地图贴在桌上. 解

put upwith造句

put up造句:1、Protesters have been putting up barricades across a number of major intersections.抗议者们已7.降:例如,“The defenders put up the fortress.”(防卫者们投降了要塞。通过以上的解释,我们可以看出,put up的含义很广泛,用法也比较灵活,它可以用来表达各种不同的意思

用put up造句简单造句

1、put upthe sword 2、Just. Don tput up. 3、Iput upmy umbrella. 4、Toput upfoul scaffolding 5、Andput upa barrier. 6、Toput upa pageantry 7、The trav例句:The team put up a good fight but were finally beaten. 这个队打得不错,但最后还是输了。扩展资料I'm not going to put up with their smoking any longer. 我再也


标签: put up的用法



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