

擦地抹布脏不脏 2023-11-17 21:22 918 墨鱼


亲子口语2000句子- 豆丁网Make the bed. 整理床铺。Clean the table.清洁桌子。Wipe the table. 擦擦桌子。docin|基于8个网页3. 抹桌子广州小学英语四年级4. 擦桌子Wiping the Table 我要用抹布擦桌子了。你能帮妈妈把桌子上的东西拿走吗?I’m going towipe the tablewith therag. Could you please help mummypu

擦桌子的英文1.clean a table 2.wipe the table 3.clean the desk wipe the table造句1. I'll just wipe the table. 我就擦擦桌子。2. Please wipe the table with a dry 请你把我们的桌子擦干净好吗?wipe off:擦掉、抹净。如果服务生有些怠慢了你,你也可以这样表达:Our table is sticky. Please run a damp rag across it.我们的桌子黏糊糊的,请

1. 揩,擦;揩干;擦净[O8] wipe one's hands 撒手;洗手不干;和断绝关系Please wipe the table with a dry cloth. 请用干抹布擦桌子。2. 用揩;用擦[O] 3. 擦去;去除;wipe the table 例句:Tommy don't forget to wipe the table after dinner.别忘了饭后要擦桌子。重点单词wipe的

我妈妈用一块抹布把桌子擦干净了。rag 小碎布/破布;cloth wipe 擦A: Arthur, can you mop the bathroom after the shower? I really appreciate it. Arthur, 冲完澡后可以拖一下用抹布擦桌椅2) clout [英][klaʊt] [美][klaut] 擦桌布3) tea towel 擦拭杯抹布4) individual desks for art majors 美术专用课桌椅1. In the design of individual des

擦黑板英语翻译是:Clean the blackboard。详细解释:1、clean 英[kli:n] 美[klin]adj.清洁的,整齐的,新的,正派的。vt.& vi.(使)清洁,变干净,除去…的每天做完饭后抽取一张湿巾随手擦拭,烟机、灶台、墙面或地面都可以擦拭得干干净净。用脏即扔,不需要清洗抹布,对于懒人来说这一点非常友好。虽说是一次性清洁用品,但如果不太脏的


标签: 擦桌子的英文



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