
outside the key篮球术语,篮球场常用英语口语

篮球犯规专业术语 2023-11-28 23:20 481 墨鱼

outside the key篮球术语,篮球场常用英语口语

Free Throw: A free shot given to a player after a foul or a technical foul. The player shoots from the 15-foot free throw line while the rest of the players line up alare two small rectangles located on the outside of the key that coaches will refer to as the

Three in the Key(三秒违例) 根据篮球规则,进攻队员不能在篮下油漆区持续停留三秒钟以上,否则会被裁判吹罚三秒违例。Travel(走步) 进攻者在持球移动中违反规Three in the Key(三秒违例) 根据篮球规则,进攻队员不能在篮下油漆区持续停留三秒钟以上,否则会被裁判吹罚三秒违例。Travel(走步) 进攻者在持球移动中违反规则、不运球走三步以上

footwork:步法。force to the outside:逼至外侧。foul out:犯满。foul strategy:犯规战术。foul trouble(n):犯规困扰;一个队员由于受到犯规次数的约束而带25. Three in the Key(三秒违例) 根据篮球规则,进攻队员不能在篮下油漆区持续停留三秒钟以上,否则会被裁判吹罚三秒违例。26. Travel(走步) 进攻者在持球移动中违反规则、不运球走三

Palming:我们常说的“翻腕”,运球违例动作,也作Carrying the ball。Pass:传球。Personal foul:个人犯规。Pick-and-roll:挡拆战术。篮球中的基本进攻战术之一,进⑤Top Of Circle (Key):弧顶区/关键区The top of circle is the area straight out from the basket just outside the free throw circle.(弧顶是罚球圈向外


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