

用anxious造句 2023-12-31 20:38 608 墨鱼


worrying造句1、Do you find yourself worrying about forgetfulness? 你是不是觉得整体担心着健忘?别想了!2、That's not embarrassing, worrying or pedestal-knocking, iWorrying about the unpaid bills. 挂虑着没付的帐单。The act or an instance ofworrying. 烦恼使人烦恼的行动或事例You do not need to isworryingabout her. 你不必为她

worrying造句1、Worrying about business isworryinghim. 2、This is reallyworrying! 3、The signs areworrying. 4、What are youworryingabout? 5、It's us3. The puppy is worrying my shoe. 一只小狗正在撕咬我的鞋。4. Use your worrying energy and time into finding another job. 不如用你忧心的力量及时间去找寻新工作吧!

˙ω˙ It's been aworryingtime for us all. 我们大家一直忧心忡忡。牛津词典worryinglyhigh levels of radiation 令人担忧的强辐射牛津词典Worryingly, the plan contains fewworry造句1. She has been worrying about her upcoming exams for weeks. 2. Don't worry, everything will turn out alright in the end. 3. I always worry about leavin

?ω? worrying造句复制1、There's no pointworryinghim unnecessarily.(没有必要让他过于担心。2、She had spent many wakeful nightsworryingabout him.(她度过了许多不眠之It is the worrying kid that worried me most.最让我担忧的还是这个让人担忧的小孩。It's Houston's injury that is now the most worrying.休斯顿的伤现在是最令


标签: 用embarrassing造句



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