
deal with造句简单,be proud of造句简单

get lost造句 2023-12-07 15:05 348 墨鱼
get lost造句

deal with造句简单,be proud of造句简单

答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报I can deal with it 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答相似问题用deal with 造句with的用法,造句!各一deal with造句复制1、McLaren are close to sealing adeal withRenault.(麦克拉伦即将和雷诺尔特达成一笔交易。2、My therapist helped me todeal withmy anger.(我的治

deal with 造句1. We need to deal with the housing shortage in the city. We must work together to find a solution to this problem. 2. I had to deal with a difficu2. This book deals with an important issue. 这本书论及一个重要的问题。deal with 情景对话Psychological Counseling-(心理咨询) deal with的意思A:One of my students

例句:Itwouldbeeasytofindabetterdeal.找一个更好的待遇是简单的。3、数量,程度例句:Thatnewcarcostsagooddealofmoney.那辆新车要很多钱。4、v.处理,惩处例句:Hispoormethodofldeal with造句如下:1、I have to deal with this problem every day。2、She dealt with the challenges of her jo

ˇ△ˇ 单词deal with 例句大全,用单词deal with造句:The Abduction of his wife a hostage to Lee, Lee Love on how todeal with? 这次他掳去李妻作为要挟,李洛夫如何应付?Mr. S15、In life, no one isdealt witha perfect hand. Some are justdealt withhigher CARDS and some will choose to try and change those CARDS. 16、On August


标签: be proud of造句简单



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