
have a tunnel vision,as as a wet

assessment 2023-10-18 18:21 585 墨鱼

have a tunnel vision,as as a wet

沪江词库精选tunnel vision是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释名词[医](眼科)管状视,视野狭隘英语解释visual impairment involving a loss of peripheral vision 相Dan, that is some serious "tunnel vision", dude. 丹,你的目光太狭隘了。As an idiom, "tunnel vision" means to have a very narrow viewpoint. 作为一个俚语,“tunnel v

ˋ▽ˊ “坐井观天”可以用英文俚语“to have tunnel vision”来表达,形容眼光很狭隘Don't be so narrow-minded and have tunnel vision when it comes to solving problems. 不要在解决21. A researcher explains that men and women are biologically different in how they see house cleaning men have tunnel vision compared to emu shoes women's wide f

tunnel vision音频:00:0000:59 Welcome to English in a Minute. Tunnels are long and dark. If you drive a car through one, you have to keep your headlights on to see. So, 英语字典:目(mu,)光(guang,)狭(xia,)窄(zhai,) “目光狭窄”的英语翻译词典解释mu guang xia zhai 1.to have tunnel vision “目光狭窄”的其它翻译词典解释(1)[中文

tunnel-vision n. 1. 视野收缩,视野狭窄(只能看正前方的人或物)a condition in which sb cannot see things that are not straight ahead of them 2. 一孔之见;井蛙之见an in14. Some cusinessmen cannot adapt to change because they have tunnel vision 有些生意人因为见识狭窄,不能顺应局势的变化-- 来源-- 网友提供好评(10) 差评() 15. a

tunnel vision发音意思翻译管状视力;视野狭窄相似词语短语have tunnel vision───有隧道视野tunnel───n.隧道;坑道;洞穴通道;vt.挖;在…打开通道;在…挖掘隧道;vtunnel vision视野狭隘;井蛙之见。tunnel是“隧道",想象自己站在隧道的一端,往另一端出口看过去,是不是只看到一块很小的视野呢?tunnel vision这个习语用来形容一个人“只看到


标签: as as a wet



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