
prefer do than do,prefer to do sth than do sth

prefer to do和doing 2023-11-11 15:03 133 墨鱼
prefer to do和doing

prefer do than do,prefer to do sth than do sth

前一个句子的意思是我相对做后一件事来说更喜欢做前一件事.举个例子I prefer to do homework than do housework..意思是相对做家务来说我更喜欢做家庭作业.而后一2. prefer to do rather than do I prefer to stay at home rather than walk around = I prefer staying at home to walking around.即prefer to do rather than do = prefer doi

(*?↓˙*) 答案不是prefer do A than do B而是prefer do A rather than do B.prefer doing to doing =prefer do A rather than do B 意思都一样" 宁愿做A而不愿做B",没有区别,可以prefer的用法:prefer sth. 更喜欢某事、prefer to do sth. 更喜欢做某事、prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.宁愿做……而不做……、prefer A to B相比较B来说更喜欢A,A、B

1.prefer A to B   2.would rather do A than do B   3.do A instead of doing B   4.prefer to do A rather than do B   5.prefer doing A to doing B   6.like dprefer to do prefer doing prefer:[ pri'fə:] v.较喜欢,宁可,提出词形变化:名词:preferrer 动词过去式:preferred 过去分词:pref

≥^≤ 区别如下:1、prefer to do rather than do 是宁可做……而不做,或者是喜欢做……而不做……的意思,而prefer to d的英文是prefer to do rather than do.或者是Prefer doing sth to doing sth.表示宁愿的短语would rather; better; as soo 表示做的单词有make; manufacture; produce表示不愿的


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