

英语日记高一80词带翻译 2023-12-08 10:26 995 墨鱼


高一英语日记篇1 furthermore,we talked about tonight”s movie, we will see the movie ”spiderman”,a very famous american thriller in hollywood. moreover,i will take my 开学第一天,学习任务比较轻,所以大家聚在一起谈论暑假的趣事。今天大家非常开心。我也是。高一英语日记及翻译6 One sunny afternoon, when I was merrily riding home, I heard

写了小两月,已经一万五了哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,如果可以坚持下来,到时候这个改个名字就是高一下上学日记,到高中毕业可以攒五个上学日记(虽然大概坚持不下来———3.25。早上定了一个8:30的闹铃(虽然91、高中高一开学英语日记3篇篇一the first day of high school life, i have some thoughts and feelings. the passage of time can always give people some special things.在

+△+ 中学生开学第一周英语日记1 In the first week of school, we quickly adapted to the life on campus, andso did the new teachers. I feel that I am very happy on campu高一优秀英语作文:开学第一天篇1 Now my holiday is over and I begin to study at school again .I had a very good time at my holiday and I have finishe

高一开学英语周记1 High school career started, we also began some of the different learning life. Theres a new beginning, and its going to change a little bit. The origi高一开学英语周记篇1 Back in school and the new semester new meteorological,textbook is new,not only is the teacher in charge,classroom teachers,the classroom is

1、养成耳濡目染的习惯。就像我们学中文,从小的时候就开始,听了无数遍的中文,才学会了简单的表达,高中高一开学英语日记3篇【日记# #高中高一开学英语日记3篇#】小鸟在离我很近的上方飞翔着歌唱者,像是在为我唱着开学啦,开学啦!欢乐的歌曲。以下是©无忧考网为大家精心整理的内


标签: 运动会英语日记带翻译高一



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