

种类variety 2023-12-14 10:51 982 墨鱼


≥△≤ 1、Variety is the spice of life. That gives it all its flavor. 生命内涵的多样性,就有如食物中的调味料,让生命更丰富,更有味道。2、You can find a large variety of siVariety is the spice of life. 变化是生活的调味品。A greatvarietyof workbench function can be called by any third- party application through OLE. 大量工作台函数可

╯▽╰ “variety”用法:方法/步骤1 “variet”是一个名词,在句子的意思一般是表示事物的"多样性"、事物的"品种"、事物的"种类"等。例如:The store offers a wi【例句】variety of sth Cafe Artista offers a wide variety of sandwiches. Artista 咖啡馆提供种类繁多的三明治。2. 【释义】U]the differences within a group, set

variety 双语例句1. Prices for local wine, liqueurs and spirits are quite low and the variety is fantastic. 价格为当地葡萄酒,利口酒和烈酒是相当低的品种是太棒了。15、varietyin the style of work 16、Large-grainvarietywas more sensitive to environment, whereas, small-grainvarietywas relatively stable. 17、Topaz

╯△╰ variety用作名词的用法例句The hotel offers its guests a wide variety of amusements.这个旅馆为住客提供了各种各样的娱乐活动。The shop sells a great variety of porcWe all needvarietyin our diet. 我们都需要饮食多样化。牛津词典We want morevarietyin our work. 我们希望我们的工作多变点儿花样。牛津词典Apples come in a great ma


标签: Variety的用法和词汇



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