
all后加the吗,all加名词需要有 the

下载app视频解答的步骤 2023-12-20 09:39 362 墨鱼

all后加the吗,all加名词需要有 the

Gillian:那你确定自己该来吗?你完全可以留在家里的。Gillian: You sure you should've come then? You're in all the right to stay at home. Jill:我不得不1. the first day 第一天2. the new term 新学期3. all the students 所有学生4. at school 在学校5. each other 互相6. a new building 一幢新教学楼7

˙△˙ 由歌名《all the good girls go to hell》可以看出碧梨对这两类人的态度,她认为真正好的人是进了12. all right行了,好吧,病)好了【例句】Are you all right?你没事吧?13. all the way一路上【例句】We laughed andjumped all the way to the school.我们上学路上一路欢笑蹦

"Whenever youfeel likecriticising anyone," he told me, "justremember that all the people in this world haven'thad the advantagesthat you've had." 巫译:“每逢你想要批评或者All of the students are singing.具体说明如下:1.all 是“全部”、“都”的意思,具有名词和形容词功能.在代表或修饰表示数目在“三”以上的可数名词时,其后

25. Of all the factors, the most indispensable must be that 在所有的因素中,最不可或缺的就26. Besides what I have mentioned above,another crucial reason might be 问句将be动词或will移前;否定句在be动词或will后加not. 5. 情态动词情态动词can; can’t; should; shouldn’t; must; may后一定加动词原形。如:The girl can

而“The other child is my brother.”中使用了other来呼应前一句话,表示我这句话所谈的另外一个(2)My friends have lots of bread and milk,so they are full.我的朋友吃了大量的面包和牛奶,所以他们很饱。修饰的词“bread与milk”前,后接不可数名词); (3) From the training,


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