

exchange的近义词 2023-12-12 18:24 225 墨鱼


例:exchange dollars for RMB(美元换人民币); exchanging labor for room and board(用劳动来换取食宿); exchange a position in the private sector for a poexchange 的用法例句1. This could intensify the risk of a nuclear exchange. 这可能会加剧爆发核战争的危险。2. During the turmoil in the foreign-exchange markets t

exchange造句复制1、Currencyexchangerates are always subject to variation.(货币的兑换率始終波动。2、He ruled out anyexchangeof prisoners with the militants.(他(1) exchange sth 即“交换某物”。例:exchange gifts(交换礼物)exchange ideas(交换想法)(2) exchange A for B 即“用A来换B”。例:exchange dollars for RMB(美元换

英文例句大全为您提供exchange英文例句大全,词语exchange造句,关于exchange的句子,exchange怎么造句,exchange英文例句大全有哪些,哪些句子是关于exchange,exchange的句子,exc类型英语造句1、Currencyexchange rates are always subject to variation.(货币的兑换率始終波动。2、He ruled out anyexchange of prisoners with the militants.(他拒绝

5、Exchange rate; rate ofexchange 6、three staplesexchange 7、localexchangenetwork 8、antiquarian bookexchange 9、rural branchexchange 10、parity of造句如下:1、need to exchange this shirt for a smaller size。2、The currency exchange rate between the Us dollar and the Euro is constantly fluctuating

(°ο°) exchange造句1. I need to exchange this shirt for a smaller size. 2. The currency exchange rate between the US dollar and the Euro is constantly fluctuating. 3. I解析pls exchange these NTD for USD ,thank you.请将这些新台币换成美元,结果一题目exchangefor造句答案pls exchange these NTD for USD ,thank you.请将这些


标签: 用register造句子



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