

individual造句 2023-12-13 14:04 738 墨鱼


precise 相关例句形容词1. 好好学单词·英语单词1. His instructions were not veryprecise. 他的指示不太明确。2. We hadpreciseorders to come home by nine o'clock单词precise 例句大全,用单词precise造句:The creature is notpreciseabout accomplishing this goal, though. 然而这种生物不能精准的完成这个目的。NO cure until assemb

precision的造句和例句:1. Her grey hair was arranged with precision .她的花白头发梳得平平整整。2. This precision instrument is worth 10,000 yuan .这台精密仪器价22、The new terminology is morepreciseand easier to understand. 23、It is suitable to be used asprecisemeasuring standard andprecisecapacitance stan

用precis造句挺难的Chacun a un niveau de financement ´precis et des objectifs concrets. ´ ´Honorables senateurs, j’en arrive directement a un point precis权威造句1. Elgar supplied his works withpreciseindications of tempo. 埃尔加给自己的作品标上了精确的节奏标记。来自柯林斯例句2. I seem to remember giving you ver

?^? precise造句1. The surgeon made a precise incision to remove the tumor. 2. The architect drew up a precise blueprint for the new building. 3. The scientist conducprecise[prɪ'saɪs] 解释:adj. 精确的,准确的这个词是指具备clear(清晰), exact(确切)和correct(正确)的特点的信息。所以它比exact的语意要等确切些。另外,如果这个词形容人的话,


标签: competent造句



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