
with pleasant,PLEASANT

in pleasant 2023-11-09 12:34 254 墨鱼
in pleasant

with pleasant,PLEASANT

The drive from England to Scotland provides the traveler with many pleasant changes of scenery. As it is a fairly long journey, it is good to be able to travel wibe pleased with用的比较多.不过基本可以通用,表示对什么高兴,结果一题目be pleased with与be pleasant with 哪个是正确的表达?都表示对……不高兴吗? 答案be pleased w

pleasant.那儿的气候不太好。be pleased with sb/sth 对某人或某物感到满意。例如:I am pleased with your performance today!be pleasant with sb/ sth 因某人/3. Mrs Jones was a pleasant, homely person with a ready smile. 琼斯夫人和蔼亲切,总是面带微笑。4. He could be very pleasant when he wanted to. 他想要友好的时候会

●▂● “Withpleasure”是英语中一种表示乐意的短语,它表示你很乐意做某事,或者表示你很乐意接受某事。这个短语也可以用来表示赞赏或鼓励,表达对别人的支持和认可。“withpleasure”的意英汉英英网络释义na. 1. 高兴释义:全部,高兴,乐意帮忙,愉快地,很荣幸更多例句筛选下载手机版必应词典iOS Windows Phone Android 体验P C 版必应词典Win32 版Microso

第一个对 是满意不是不高兴pleasant to对…友好;pleasant with和…友好;pleasant to hear好听;入耳;pleasant sensation快感;pleasant day快乐的一天扩展资料have a pleasant journey一路顺风;pleasant smil

估计您是记混了有be pleased with 表示.高兴等pleasant 一般是修饰物的pleased 一般修饰人pleasant journey/climate/weather 结果一题目be pleasant with有这个词组吗plwith pleasure怎么读:英[wið ˈpleʒə] 美[wɪð ˈplɛʒɚ] with pleasure是什么意思:愉快地,高兴地,没问题;欣然;with pleasure的例句和用法He recalled his fellow tra





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