

springy造句 2023-12-10 15:16 811 墨鱼


单词creaks 例句大全,用单词creaks造句:He goes up in the bed in the evening again and again, bedplatecreaksnoisy. 他晚上在床上翻来覆去,床板咯吱响。After the divor30、Little Bugs, Bugs,climbup, theclimbup to. Climb up here to switch to a circle, turn two laps, turn three times, nodded his head, stretched Shent

时态creaked,creaking,creaks 英语解释make a high-pitched, screeching noise a squeaking sound 相似短语creak detector擦音检测器相似单词creakn. 辗轧声,咯咯吱吱声2. The door was pulled open with a creak. 门嘎吱一声被拉开了。来自柯林斯例句3. She heard a floorboard creak upstairs. 她听见楼上的地板发出嘎吱嘎吱的响声。来

∩ω∩ A creak and a dark whirr in the air high up. 空中响起金属的摩擦声和低沉的回旋声。The door opened with a creak. 那扇门嘎地一声开了。用作动词(v.) break造句具体如下:1、The weather suddenly broke and pedestrians began to hurry along the road. 突然天气骤变,行人们纷纷开始急匆匆地赶路。2、Sorry to break your m

例句/造句/用法:Heheardthenoiseofacarbinescabbardslappinglooselyandthecreakofleather.歐尼斯特·海明威.喪鐘為誰而鳴. ButinnomorethanaminuteortwothestairscreakandTo1、Chairscreakas everybody gets settled. 2、She heard a floorboardcreakupstairs. 3、The door opened with acreak. 4、The door opened with acreak.; Th

⊙0⊙ creak. 显示所有例句v. 1. [i] 嘎吱作响(开门或踩上木地板等时发出的声音)to make the sound that a door sometimes makes when you open it or that a wooden floor sometibreak造句1、commercialbreak 2、Break,break,breakon thy cold gray stones, o sea! 3、breakglass key holder 4、Let's take abreak. 5、Which string will


标签: gooey造句



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