
on account of翻译,granted翻译

cut down翻译 2023-12-09 09:38 317 墨鱼
cut down翻译

on account of翻译,granted翻译

on account of发音意思翻译由于;因为;为了…的缘故adv.由于;基于相似词语短语on account───记帐,会计]赊帐;分期付款take account of───考虑到;顾及;体谅toOn account of the typhoon our store will be closed tomorrow. 由于颱风的关係,明天将不开店。5.on account 赊帐例:I’ll give you 1000 dollars on account. 我先付你1000块。

on account of缈昏瘧涓枃

汉语翻译on account of基本解释on account of什么意思副词由于;基于on account of是什么意思on account of相关例句ph. 1. 1. Bill cannot come to the meetingonaccouon account of基本解释adv.由于;基于网络释义1. 因为,由于2. 针对3. 由于,因为4. 由于,因此5. 因为on account of的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义


●▂● 1、on account of account我们上几期有说过,主要意义是账户,但除了账户,还有理由、解释的意思。On account of 后接名词性词组和动名词doing sth.需要注意的是,2.4. on account of sb/sth (由于;因为) 例句:She retired early on account of ill health. (她体弱多病,所以提前退休。 2.5. on no account/not on any account (决不;绝对不)

the accounts of缈昏瘧

on account of翻译on account of翻译答:因为,由于,为了某物例句:The flight was postponed on account of bad weather.因为天气恶劣,飞行延期了。he President declined t1.和account of一起搭配的还有这些语句:on account of的意思为:由于,因为;用法同because of相似,都是后面接名词或名词词组。(要注意:on account of ,becau

on this account缈昏瘧

on account of 英[ɔn əˈkaunt ɔv]美[ɑn əˈkaʊnt ʌv] 释义常用牛津词典adv. 由于;基于;双语例句全部1. " Auntie told me not to run, " he explained, " on acon account of 美英na.因为网络由于;为了;为了……的缘故英汉英英网络释义na. 1. 因为,因


标签: granted翻译



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