
fell out,throughout

fell的短语意思 2023-12-04 21:22 691 墨鱼

fell out,throughout

第三人称单数:falls out现在分词:falling out过去式:fell out过去分词:fallen out 英汉英英网络释义v. 1. 〈非正式〉吵架;争执;闹僵;分手2. (头发,牙齿等)脱落3. 离开("Fell out"表示掉落或失落,通常用于描述某物从某个容器中掉落或丢失。例如:The apple fell out of the basket when she carried it.(她把篮子拿起来时,苹果从

1. He has fallen out with Jack. 他跟杰克吵翻了。2. 2. It fell out that we were in the town on that very day. 那天我们恰懊在镇上。fall out 网络解释1. 争吵:1977The baby hurt itself when it fell out of its cot. 婴儿从小床掉下来,受了伤. 辞典例句He fell out of a tree and hurt his leg. 他从树上掉下来,伤了腿. 辞典例句There

˙▽˙ 一、指代不同1、fall from:落下,跌落。2、fell out:争吵;吵架。二、语法不同1、fall from:fall的基本意思有二沪江词库精选fell out是什么意思、英语单词推荐、中英文句子翻译、英语短语争吵,发生相似短语fell out of vbl.停止,不再fell out 争吵,发生fell out of use 开始不用,渐废fell into vb

fall out英[fɔːl aʊt] 美[fɔːl aʊt] 释义用例词组更多v. 争吵;松掉;解散;掉队;结果;退出英英释义Verb: have a breach in relations; "We fell out over a tri第三人称单数:falls out现在分词:falling out过去式:fell out过去分词:fallen out 英汉英英网络释义n. 1. 【核】微粒回降;回降物,放射性落尘2. 意外的副产品,附带成果3


标签: throughout



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