
in other words造句简单,perceive造句

meanwhile造句 2023-12-02 19:41 242 墨鱼

in other words造句简单,perceive造句

用nothing like in other words look forword to造句In other words,by going beyond the standard web pages for text-only results,Google is working hardHis wife is my daughter, in other words, I am his mother-in-law.他妻子是我女儿,换句话讲,我是他的岳母。I’ll see you in a week’s time—that is to say, next Monda

1、in other words, you haven't connected Dewey's philosophy to the thinking of other intellectuals of the time.(换句话说,你没有把杜威的哲学和当时其他知识分子的思in other words是换句话说的意思。I like Tom ,in other words,I like stay with Tom.我喜欢汤姆,换句话说,我喜欢和汤姆在一起。

In other words,she doesn't have one. 换句话说,她压根没有道德(因为他爹也没有)。in other words 是我们日常交流或者书面写作中都会经常用到的一个短语,表In other words, Posey s may substitute in team status nobody. 换句话说,波西在队中的地位无人可以取代。In other words, I was letting my brain rot. 换句话说,我让我

单词:in other words的单词意思解释释义换句话说与单词:in other words 相关的例句或者名人名言In other words, there's no easy to edit or alter that workflow on tin other words 美英na.换言之英汉英英na. 1. 换言之,换句话说1. Inotherwords,thehomeisnotjustaplacetosleepandeat,buta"wombwithaview"thatproducesadeeplyrestorat

1. They asked him to leave─in other words he was fired. 他们请他走人,也就是说,他被解雇了。2. A common saying goes, " Knit the brows and you will hit upon a stratagem类型英语造句1、in other words, you haven't connected Dewey's philosophy to the thinking of other intellectuals of the time.(换句话说,你没有把杜威的哲学和当时其他


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