

fifth造句 2023-12-10 13:36 274 墨鱼


1、Fifteen years, seventy-six years.十五年卒,年七十六。2、Fifteen AOSIS members list timber or hardwood forests as one of their main natural resources.15个小岛屿3. "Mom, I'mfifteen. I'm old enough to wear makeup. "妈,我都15岁了,到了可以化妆的年龄了。4. "Did you notice how much makeup ourfifteen-year-old daughter was wear

≥^≤ fifteen造句1. There are fifteen students in my class. 2. She has been married for fifteen years. 3. He works from nine to five every day, except on Sundays when 2. I am fifteen years old today. 100我今天已是十五岁了. 3. At fifteen years old he left school. 他十五岁时中学毕业了. 4. He is fifteen years old. 他十五岁. 5. Avo

ˇ﹏ˇ 回答和翻译如下:They are fifteen rmb.它们是十五元。23、Afterfifteenminutes I was done with the graveyard and I was about to enter the building. 24、Mark's tutor had difficulty in reducing his draft c

(°ο°) 单词级别第1级基本释义num.十五,十五个英英释义the number 15 参考例句We were fifteen in all. 我们一共十五个人。There are fifteen girls in my class. 我班上有十五个女生。回答和翻译如下:They are fifteen rmb.它们是十五元。

>ω< Most students in this class are fifteen.这个班的大多数孩子都十五岁。The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen.本班男生的平均年龄是十五岁。She was onlfifteen造句复制1、He started beating me when I was aboutfifteenbut I didn't do anything to provoke him.(我大约十五岁时,他开始打我,但我并没有做什么招惹他的事情。


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