
if only to,if only to do

if only三种虚拟语气例句 2023-11-28 18:25 345 墨鱼
if only三种虚拟语气例句

if only to,if only to do

eg:If only I wasn’t going to London.我希望我没去过伦敦.③表达与过去情况不同:if only+从句主语+would/could have/had+过去分词eg:If only you had come to my bi☞if only在上面的例句表示“要是”的意思,通常用来表达一种强烈的愿望,尤其是不太可能实现的愿望。除此之外,if only还可以用来表示“即使只为”的意思,例如:You need to tell

一、if only to be polite

if only to 美英conj.即使仅仅因为英汉conj. 1. 即使仅仅因为1. Likemanyofhispeers,hemadea greatshowofresistingpublic office,ifonlytodemonstratetheabsenceofambit1、If only it were that simple! 要是那么简单就好了!2、If only someone could help me! 有谁能帮助我就好了!3、If only I could get some sleep, I would be able to cope

二、if only to do sth

ˇ△ˇ to the extent to the extent, 在法律條文中常常看到這個片語,單就文義上來看並不這麼複雜,但這個片語放在法律文本當中,突然就變得撲朔迷離起來。讓我們先從extent這個字說起。eif only to 英美即使仅仅因为分享单词到:

If only to 哪怕只是为了Beyond one's wildest dreams 出乎某人意料的,做梦也想不到的The apple of one's eye某人的掌上明珠,心爱之物Flash a smile闪过一if only的意思A:I’m in big trouble. I need to find something to wear for tonight’s fashion show. 我遇到大麻烦了,我要找适合今晚出席时装表演穿的衣服。B:You’re g


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