
night什么,good night什么

女生说nightynight代表什么 2023-11-15 16:39 191 墨鱼

night什么,good night什么

night night: [OE] Night is the English member of an ancient Indo-European family of ‘night’words, represented in virtually all the modern European languages. The ancestral form wanight night是什么意思,night怎么读语音:英音[naɪt] 美音[naɪt] night 基本解释n.夜;晚上;举行盛事的)夜晚night 变化形式复数:nights 所属分类:CET4TEM4考研CET6

at night:在晚间、在夜里、晚间、晚上。in the night:在晚上、在夜里、在夜晚、在夜间。evening和morning前面通常用in,这两个词前面通常用the;例如:in the mon.晚上;夜;夜晚;举行盛事的)夜晚网络夜间;黑夜;夜色复数:nights 搭配反义词adj.+n. dark night,late night,sleepless night,same night,early night v.+n. spend night,

沪江词库精选night是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语英音[nait] ; 美音[nait] ; 名词1.[U,C]夜;晚上2.可数名词:夜晚的)活动;演出的)夜night 英[naɪt]美[naɪt] 高中/ CET4 / CET6 释义常用牛津词典n. 夜;晚上;举行盛事的)夜晚;复数:nights 双语例句全部晚上夜晚1. These animals only come out at

●﹏● at night的翻译英[ t nait] 美[ t na t] at night 基本解释夜间;在夜里;夜来at night 相关例句ph. 1. They usually keep a light on at night. 他们通常夜里开着灯。night前面用什么介词night前面用介词at或in,构成短语at night、in the night,意思是在晚上。at night 在晚间;在夜里;晚间;晚上;in the night 在晚上;在夜里;在夜晚;在夜间;In t


标签: good night什么



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