

be going to造句30个 2023-12-06 13:46 540 墨鱼
be going to造句30个


gOtobed上床睡觉的句子英语词典推荐学习词条英汉词典常见短词用法字谜推荐| 笑话推荐| 对联| 造句爱好旅游(打一成语) 年初一晚上打一节目名称元宵节灯谜:元宵前后共go to bed with the chicken[口语] 早睡go to bed in one's bootsv. 酩酊大醉I usually go to bed at about midnight我通常差不多在半夜才睡觉in bed在床上,卧病在床bed

gotobed意思是:去睡觉;安歇;发音:英[ɡəutu:bed] 美[ɡotubɛd]相关短语gostraighttobed 马上就寝gobacktobegotobed造句子简单1、We go to bed in broad daylight. 2、Dear, go to bed. You're slumbering. 3、Go and do your homework and then go to bed. 4、To wake up early, (y

Go to bed with the lamb, and rise with the lark.早睡早起。Do not forget to switch off the air - conditioning when you go to bed.睡觉时别忘了关上空调。He regular1.I feel terrible ─ I think I'll go to bed.我觉得难受,想去睡觉了。2.Go to bed. You look tired out.去睡觉吧,你看上去(已是)满脸倦意。3.I think it's t

ˋ^ˊ〉-# 1、Go to bed,go to bed. 2、Clarego to bedearly. 3、May Igo to bed? 4、You mustgo to bed. 5、Now,go to bed hehe! 6、No. It's time togo to bed. 7、Go to bed 美英na.就寝;同床;【印】付印网络上床;上床睡觉;发生性行为的讳称同义词v. turn in,hit the hay,hit the sack,retire 英汉网络释义na. 1. 睡,就寝;同床2

ˋωˊ 回答:Went upstairs to go to bed. 上楼去睡觉I strain~~ go to bed! 我闪了~~去睡觉了!We usually go to bed late. 我们通常睡得晚。He d better go to bgo to bed造句复制1、Wego to bedat 9 o'clock.(我们九点睡觉。2、Igo to bedearly as a rule.(我一贯睡得早。3、Remember to turn out the lights when yougo to bed


标签: watchTV造句简单



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