

他的姓英语怎么写 2023-11-16 16:42 264 墨鱼


这是最常见也最简单的表达方式,相当于中文里的“很高兴见到你”。2. It's a pleasure to meet you. 这句话比较正式,用在比较重要的场合或与陌生人第一次见面时比较合适。3. How do1.I''m glad to see you 很高兴见到你. A:I''m glad to see you again 很高兴再见到你。B: So am I. 我也是。2. I am happy to meet you. 3. Nice to meet you. 4. It's gr

见到你也很高兴更多:https://bmcx/ !翻译结果(英语)1: Also very pleased to see you 更多:https://bmcx/ ! 翻译结果(英语)2: Also very glad to meet you 我们也很高兴见到你。请坐吧。Nice to meet you, too. I come from Britain. 也很高兴遇见你。我来自英国。Nice to meet you, too. here 's my name card. 见到您,我也挺高兴。这

∩0∩ 很高兴───very pleased;见到───See 双语使用场景We werevery pleasedto hear this encouraging news.───听到这个令人鼓舞的消息,我们十分高兴。All members of th解析:口语句子“见到你我很高兴”,Nice to meet you。结果一题目见到你我很高兴和见到你我也很高兴的英语怎么写答案nice to meet younice to meet you too相关推荐1见到

沪江词库精选见到你很高兴英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息phr.1. It is been a pleasure to meet you.2. Nice to meet you. 相似短语have not been aux.没有hanice to meet you 见到:see; meet; perceive 很高兴:Delighted; very happy; With pleasure 例句:He just said “My name is tile, nice to meet you. 但是,他刚刚竟然还说:”我叫


标签: 很好,谢谢英语怎么说



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