

英语话题演讲一分钟 2023-11-12 16:23 989 墨鱼


[新东方]演讲视频频道为大家提供纯正的英语演讲视频供大家学习,包括名人英语演讲视频、经典英语演讲视频等内容,更多精彩内容请关注新东方网。英语演讲稿1 As the saying goes: "one minute on stage, the audience ten years of practice." If a person is very successful, not given to others, the more does not fall d

同时,也看出大学的英语老师们很喜欢让同学们展现自己口语能力,因此,为了帮大家节省点时间,今天再给同学们分享一个绝对不会出错的英语话题ppt! 话不多说,上图!内容由消防安全、用可以说它影响着我整个人生轨迹的发展💛-想借助TED演讲学习英语的姐妹们可以借鉴下面方法💅✅先花3分钟浏览不同话题的TED演讲确定自己想学习的主题(可以是自己当下切身需要的话题,也

英语主题经典演讲稿1 I was one of the only kids in college who had a reason to go to the P.O. box at the end of the day, and that was mainly because my mother has 英语演讲话题范文1 Me, my country, and the world Man and the Internet Unity and Diversity Civilized Behaviour: Learning to Act with a Proper Sense of Honour and Shame wh

英语主题演讲稿范文1 Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. Man’s life is a process of growing up, actually(隐掉了个人信息嘻嘻) 学校举报演讲比赛要求我们录一个视频于是兢兢业业搞了一下午剪了两三个小时后来室友一下点醒我可能不允许这么花里胡哨的于是又去问老师老师又给我模棱


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