
prefer rather than,prefer to rather的例句

prefer A rather than B 2023-11-10 23:42 226 墨鱼
prefer A rather than B

prefer rather than,prefer to rather的例句

1 prefer to rather than do宁愿而不愿(就算不愿做也可能会做)例句:I prefer to do housework rather than sit there doing nothing. 我宁愿做家务也不愿坐在那里无所事事。2 prefprefer的用法1、后接不定式时与bairather than或instead of连用,如:He preferred to die rather than (to) steal

╯0╰ prefer…rather than的用法:①prefer doing A rather than doing B喜欢做A而不是做B。②prefer to do A rather than do B愿意去做A而不是去做B。1、prefer释义:vt. 更喜欢,宁愿Prefer A to/rather than B 表示比起A 更喜欢B,或宁愿A 也不愿B,其中to 后面接名词或动名词,而rather than 后面接名词或不带to 不定式,例如:I prefer tea to coffee.比

≥▽≤ 句型三:Someone prefer to A rather than B.= Someone would rather A than B. 某人喜歡做某事勝過另一件;雖然都有比較的意思,但would rather…than 的句型口氣更接近「寧願做某I prefer to spend the weekend at home rather than go outside.与到外面去玩比起来,我更喜欢在家里度周末。5. Prefer sb to do sth (不定式to do充当宾语补足语):宁愿某人做

下面一起来看来自看prefer…rathe360新知rthan的用法吧。1/4 prefer to …rather than:宁愿…而不愿…例句:Prefer to die rather than surrender.宁死不屈。2/4 prefer + to d必应词典,为您提供prefer-rather-than的释义,用法,发音,音标,搭配,同义词,反义词和例句等在线英语服务。

ˋ﹏ˊ 首先,prefer rather than是一种较简单的句子结构,它可以用来表达对某事物的偏好。例如:I prefer apples rather than oranges. 在这个句子中,prefer表示“更喜欢”这件事,而r“I prefer torather than”中“prefer”的意思是宁愿,在句中作谓语后接动词原形,“rather than”的意思是“与其……倒不如……”,“than”后面接名词或动名词。本句型翻


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