
make…of的短语,make up of

make高级表达 2023-12-11 21:45 449 墨鱼

make…of的短语,make up of

应该是be made of……:由……做成,make of做成……(下同)(能看出原材料)be made from……:由……做成(看不出原材料,发生过化学变化)make up一般意思是:make at 1. 攻击The dog made at me all of a sudden. 狗突然向我扑来。make away 1. 急忙离开He killed the guard and made away. 他杀死了卫兵,赶快跑掉了。make away


make sth of sb/sth 领会;理解;懂得What do you make of it all? 你明白那都是什么意思吗?I can't make anything of this note. 我根本不懂这封短信的意思。I don't know what tMake 的短语,make 的词组及俚语习语和日常用语make capital out of 利用。make certain 确定。make cheeses (妇女)行深屈膝礼。妇女)转动身体使裙展开后蹲下。make ch


11. be made up of & consist of由……组成异同之处:be made up of是make up of 的被动形式,表示“由……组成”,consist of表示“包括,由……组成”,通常不用于被动。例1:Theyare例3:They may teach very well and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problemswhich involve moral judgemen


⊙ω⊙ make sth of sb/sth 领会;理解;懂得What do you make of it all? 你明白那都是什么意思吗?I can't make anything of this note. 我根本不懂这封短信的意思。84. make use of使用,利用e.g.: Our boss makes good use of time. 我们的老板会合理利用时间。85. out of place不合适的;不相称的;不在适当的位置e.g.: He felt out of place in the kitchen

4、make of sth

4.make fun of 取笑某人Don't make fun of me 不要取笑我。Don't make fun of the disabled! 不要戏弄残疾人!5.make sentences 造句Make Sentences with ea9.get短语get over 克服get away with 侥幸成功,侥幸逃脱get through 接通(电话),完成(工作),通过(考试) get across 理解,度过get rid of 除掉,去掉get along with 与……相


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