

鱼香肉丝英语作文 2023-12-21 18:03 457 墨鱼


介绍辣椒炒牛肉的英语作文Pepper Beef is a popular local dish in many parts of China. It's main ingredients are beef and bell pepper. The beef needs to be cut into感恩节英语作文1 Thanksgiving day is the united states and canada,the festival.it originated in more than 300 years ago a shipment of 100 many immi

+▂+ 篇1:介绍中国美食英语作文介绍中国美食英语作文China is very famous for its food in the world. There are many kinds of food in China. Theyre Cantonese food, Sichuan food关于美食的作文500字一道新年好菜每逢过年时,全家人都在一起吃年夜饭,可开心了!今年,我亲自下厨为家人做了一道新年好菜——青椒炒牛肉。首先,把牛肉和青椒洗净并切成丝,再把牛肉

≥△≤ 高分英语作文1:Stir fried meat with chili 1 + (with) diced chicken, almond, beef, bean curd and egg with tomato 2 + (with, inside) duck's paw mus sauce chicken, scallioOverall, I had a very happy summer vacation. I learned a lot and improved my language skills. 二、我的英语老师My English Teacher My English teacher

≥▂≤ 炒肉由查字典英语网提供,我最爱吃奶奶做的辣椒炒肉了,今天放学回家,我走到门口就闻到一股炒肉的香味,我觉得好饿啊,我有点迫不及侍了。My favorite dish is stibraised in brown sauce 我最喜欢的菜肴,恐怕非红烧肉莫属了,不管去哪家饭店,只要有红烧肉,我就会让爸爸妈妈点一份。当然,最好吃的还是“老妈红烧肉”。I lov

下面是小编为大家推荐的一日三餐的英语作文(共含14篇),欢迎大家分享。同时,但愿您也能像本文投稿人“喂豚”一样,积极向本站投稿分享好文章。篇1:有关一日三餐add soy sause or salt.


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