

外贸对话范文 2024-01-08 13:19 244 墨鱼


外贸英语口语对话3篇店铺为大家整理了外贸英语口语对话3篇,一起来学习吧!一、产品质量的保证约翰:I can promise you that, if you buy our product, you will be getting第1篇对比报价A:Can you offer a lower price?B:I'm sorry, but our price is very competitive. What’s your target price?A:My target price is $5 pe

+△+ A: We sincerely invite you to the international medical equipment exhibition to be held in Beijing on October 15th. 我们真诚地邀请你们来参加于9月15号在北京举办的国际医国际贸易的英文对话带翻译(江门美联英语) F:Good afternoon, Mr. Bush. B:Good afternoon. A moment please, Let me see. right.. It's s your problem. What?

+﹏+ 作为国际贸易专业的一门应用型课程,外贸英语口译课程可以满足国际贸易活动中口译人才的需求。®无忧考网整理了二十篇外贸英语口语话题对话,欢迎阅读!1.外贸英语口语话题对话篇一A关于外贸英语对话范文1 A:Is there any way you can cut us a better deal on your wholesale price for this order? 这份订单还有没有办法在批发价上达成更好的协议?B:We d

正文外贸英语情景对话:国际贸易LessonInternationalTrade国际贸易Betty:Hello.SalesDepartment.BettyFieldsspeaking。贝蒂:喂,业务部,我是贝蒂_菲尔兹。Ralph:篇1:外贸谈判实例英语对话A:HeIIo.Mr. Wang. I am glad to meet you here at the fair. A:你好,于先生,很高兴在交易会上见到你。B:Likewise. Take a seat, please. How about a cu

˙0˙ What do you hope to gain, ideally?What are your realistic expectations?What compromises are you w外贸英语:情景对话1 A:We have made some adjustment on the prices ,and this is renewed price list. A:我们对价格做了调整,这是新的报价单B:Thank you for


标签: 外贸商务谈判情景对话



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