
welcome with,be welcome with

welcome中文 2023-11-16 18:53 848 墨鱼

welcome with,be welcome with

The proceedings will begin with a speech to welcome the guests. 大会议程首先是向来宾致欢迎辞。Please try to be congenial and welcome the guests with a small. 请welcome v.[T] 1.欢迎;款待;愉快地接受2.(以特定方式)迎接n. 1.欢迎;特定方式的)迎接;接受2.欢迎的话;欢迎辞a. 1.受欢迎的;令人愉快(或感激)的2.被允许的We abbr. 1.Weber number 韦伯数

It is a pleasure towelcomeyou to our home. 很高兴欢迎您光临舍下。牛津词典awelcomingsmile 欢迎的微笑牛津词典Theywelcomedthe new volunteers with open arms (= wiwithin 90 days.•But when they saw me walking out of the sea, theywelcomedme warmly withcriesofastonishmentanddelight.•Texanstendtowelcomenewcomers and go out of their way to be fri

∪﹏∪ The meaning of WELCOME is to greet hospitably and with courtesy or cordiality. How to use welcome in a sentence."welcome"作为动词:They welcomed us with open arms.(他们热情地欢迎我们。)I would like to welcome you to our event.(我想欢迎您参加我们的活动。)“be welcome to + 动词/

welcomesbwithsth的用法是对的。这是welcom的常见用法:祈使句中AwelcomeBwithsth,翻译为:某人用什么欢迎某人。举例:Wewelcomeourteacherwithflowers.我们用鲜Also,youcaninviteyourfriendstowelcomewithyourhand-madefood. 另外,也可以邀请朋友为客人亲自行动做饭菜。sukiyabashi.jp 6. Manyofthesechangesarewelcome,withtwoca


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